Sunday, May 17, 2009

Swaying to the Music [[acrostic]]

So many
Attributes to the way
You dance,
I admire you, that
Nothing can distract you, you are
Gone, lost in

The music, as I lose myself in the beautiful
Orbs of light that are your eyes.

This moment is too perfect, your
Hair swishes about you as you spin, and
Everything glows in the soft

Moonlight, as even the moon is envious of your smile. You
Use the grass as a cushion for your feet as you dance about the garden.
So let this moment never end, and
I will always be



You lied and sweet-talked your way through elementary school

And now you are faced with a new challenge—

Middle school.

But don’t worry about it.

It only gets worse from here.

You’ll have to adapt to a completely new environment

And once you have,

They’ll tear it apart.

Make a new one

Called high school

But you don’t need to worry about that yet

So for now, welcome to

Life as it never was before.

Welcome to Hell.